Hello. I'm Mitchell Lane.

I like to build things. I'm based in Seattle.

Personal Projects

The following is a brief showcase of my personal projects and side businesses. To learn more about my professional career, please see my resume and LinkedIn above.


The world's largest independent source of news for the sport of fencing.

WordPress PHP SEO


SmartSalle is an information aggregation service for fencing clubs, keeping club owners informed of the status of their students.

Ruby Rails VueJS


14meters was a successful statistics and performance analytics SaaS application for fencing athletes. Discontinued due to data access issues.

Ruby Rails AngularJS


Bladeabase is a toy application made to track crowd-sourced information on the longevity of fencing blades.

Ruby Rails


Zuit was an ecommerce platform for selling custom-tailored women's suits.
Startup Weekend second place, Design Award winner and Audience Choice winner.

Ruby Rails


Pareto was an automated social media assistant powered by machine learning. Harbor Accelerator Cohort 6 member. Discontinued due to market shifts.

Ruby Rails


AutoIQ was Mint for cars - tracking expected resale value over time to suggest best times to sell.
Startup Weekend first place winner.

Ruby Rails


Tandem was a mobile application to help coordinate group bicycle communter packs for improved safety, leading to increased ridership.
Atlanta Govathon first place winner.

Ruby Rails Mobile


Tables was a mobile application that enabled group purchasing of nightclub experiences and tab splitting. Emory Innovation Weekend participant.

Ruby Rails Mobile